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RTFM for Joomla and WordPress developers
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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
PHP, Joomla!, and WordPress keep changing. You're locked in a constant uphill battle to react to those changed. It's painful, and draining. There's a better way. You just need to… RTFM!

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The grass isn't greener on the other side
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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
You're so frustrated with Joomla and having to rebuild your Joomla 3 site that you've made up your mind: you're going to WordPress! Been there, done that, got the t-shirt 👕

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
Today I got sidetracked by an article trying to answer a simple Joomla! question, and the incredibly wrong direction it took the answer to. I ended up writing the not-so-straightforward code to answer the question correctly, and had a lot of reflection on how changing, or omitting, the context of a question can be problematic.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
On Thursday, Friday 16th at 16:00 UTC Joomla released version 4.2.8 with a major security fix. The vulnerability, they warned, was a very serious one and you would all need to update. However, the necessary information gap which follows a security release —so as not to tip off miscreants— has let rumours spread in such a way that they make people risk unnecessary damage to their site, or at least give the false impression that all Joomla sites have been “magically” hacked like we're in some Hollywood movie. That's not how the world works, so please let us explain exactly what is going on and you should not freak out.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
With the meteoric rise in popularity of Mastodon following the acquisition of The Bird Site Which Shall Not Be Named* by You-Know-Who* a question has been forming in everyone's head: “How can I display my toots (posts) timeline on my site?”. People looking for some Joomla modular embed code will be disappointed to find none. However, you need no third party module, no embed code, and no JavaScript! Everything you need is already included in Joomla itself.
* I've heard the new overlord is a very capricious and litigious fella. I am sure y'all know what I am talking about.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
Over the years I have had the chance to review hundreds of Joomla! plugins written by different developers, typically when they are causing a site to break in unexpected ways. It turns out, most plugins suffer a few very common and easily preventable problems.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
Two weeks ago I finally received a Mac mini M1 with the brand-new, ARM-based M1 (Apple Silicon) processor. There’s been a lot of speculation and conflicting information about its performance. I would like to talk about it in the context of web development. Just to give you an idea: it’s a monster worth every penny of its modest price.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
Happy New Year 2021, everyone! This is the last part of my series on optimising Joomla sites. In the previous instalment we did some site building calisthenics. Today we'll talk about content. This is not necessarily a Joomla topic — it applies equally to WordPress, Drupal, Medium, Blogger and everything that publishes written words to the web.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
In the third part of this series I described how to squeeze more performance out of your site by optimizing the static media files. Today I'll talk about putting the finishing touches which make your site more polished and professional. They mostly have to do with how your site interacts with search engines and social networks but there's also a little bit of performance to be found in there. I think information about polishing your site is the best way to send off this year.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
In the second part of this series I described how to unlock a base level of performance out of your Joomla site with a few, simple changes. Today we're diving deeper into static media: JavaScript, CSS and image files. These changes are more involved but can turn a junker of a slow site into a decently performing one. Arguably, not all of these changes make sense for all sites but the performance benefits you get are substantial.