Add custom category, tag, and custom fields filters to your Joomla! content category display pages.


FilterMagic lets you add the following kinds of filters for each category displayed in the frontend of your site:

  • Subcategory. Display articles which belong in one or more selected subcategories. Useful for Blog views and derivatives.
  • Tag. Display articles which are tagged with one or more of the selected tags.
  • Custom fields. Display articles whose custom field matches the filter selection.

    Limitation: Custom field filters only perform exact matching, i.e. you cannot do a partial search. As a result it is strongly recommended to only use it with list, radio, SQL custom field types and similar.

You can filter by custom fields located in subform fields. In this case, an article will be displayed if any of the subform rows matches the custom field filtering criteria.

Filters are defined as standard Joomla XML form files.

Use cases

Sites with resource directories implemented with Joomla content and custom fields. Instead of just listing all resources and let the user figure it out you can let them dynamically filter based on subcategories, tags, and custom field values to narrow down their search.

Simple stores based on Joomla content, custom fields, and 3PD extensions such as J2Store. Instead of a litany of menu items you can have dynamic filtering of the products (articles) so the user can find what they need, faster and easier.