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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
Over the last year I've collected my thoughts on Joomla! the CMS, the project and the community. We've finally all come to the conclusion that Joomla! needs a revamp. The time is ripe to discuss the future. This is a very big subject so I'm going to present this as a series of blog posts. In this first installment we'll talk about Joomla!'s target audience and a unified marketing message to frame our vision.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
With the vote on the Joomla! restructuring coming to a conclusion pretty soon I would like to take a moment to reflect on what is the problem and how (or if) it's being fixed.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
A few months ago Jisse Reitsma of Yireo told me about a book he had just written, called Programming Joomla! plugins. He asked me if I was interested in reviewing it. I did, mostly because I was curious what a book on plugins would look like. Once I started reading it I couldn't put it down. By all accounts, it's one of the best Joomla! development books I've read and one I highly recommend to anyone who's serious about doing heavy customizations in Joomla! or writing extensions for it.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
Debugging email sending can be notoriously difficult. There are too many moving parts: the extension you are using, Joomla!'s mail setup in Global Configuration, your web server, your mail server, the other party's mail server and their mail client. Between them it's nigh impossible to know where a problem occurs. It would be of immense help being able to isolate just the code running on your web server when debugging email. This is done with MailCatcher.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
I am the happy owner of an Intel NUC dual booting Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu, hooked up to a great-looking Apple LED Cinema Display. The only problem is that the Apple display comes with no physical controls for brightness and Ubuntu doesn't seem to be able to adjust it either. Being a geek I was anything but content with this situation. I finally found a solution to control the brightness using keyboard shortcuts.
Updated December 2020: Using a maintained fork of the acdcontrol tool, removing the need to run acdcontrol with root privileges and a much simpler Bash script for the integration with the desktop environment, documented how to modify acdcontrol to support other monitors.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
As much as I love Joomla!, there is a shortcoming compared to the other two major Open Source PHP CMS, WordPress and Drupal: it doesn't come with a command-line interface like wp-cli or drush. This is a bit of a problem when you're in need of mass-provisioning sites with extensions or updates in an unattended manner. Using a CLI tool is the only way to provide a scriptable, efficient and unattended method of doing so. In this post we'll see a practical way to overcome this limitation.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
Hello, I'm Nicholas. Most of you know me as the author of popular components like Akeeba Backup and Admin Tools. Some of you know me as a frequent code contributor to Joomla!. I'm very outspoken to the point that people think I'm an asshole. Most likely I am. I was working as a business consultant long before I turned to full time software development and, as you know, business consultants are always seen as assholes, usually ranking lower in being well-liked than accounting and legal departments. But you know what else business consultants do besides being assholes? They know how to make an organisation do more with the same people (or even less, which is why people think we are assholes). So there you have it, I was refactoring businesses before I got to refactoring code. This is my take on refactoring Joomla!'s organisation structure. It's a long read, ideal for a Sunday morning.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
You're wrong. Some rudimentary A/B testing led me to a counter-intuitive result about e-commerce.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
My last week's blog post on running Apache, MySQL, PHP server on Windows with multiple, simultaneous PHP versions seems to have been a smash hit. This week we'll be doing the same thing on Mac OS X. For those of you who didn't click the link, I decided it would be a cool, geeky project to implement an Apache-MySQL-PHP web server without using a pre-packaged server like MAMP or Zend Server. My goal was to have the same sites run under different versions of PHP by just visiting a different URL on my browser. This makes cross-PHP testing of sites a piece of cake.

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Written by: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
I just bought an Intel NUC (Next Unit of Computing) mini-PC to serve as my secondary, Windows-powered development machine (the primary is an Apple Mac Mini). I decided it would be a fun* weekend project to implement an Apache-MySQL-PHP web server without using a pre-packaged server like XAMPP, WAMPServer etc. My goal was to have the same sites run under different versions of PHP by just visiting a different URL on my browser.
* for extremely geek values of "fun"